Rebuilding the Nation’s Economy
in the Digital Reality of 2022

“The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for everyone, and even more so for businesses in Malaysia with the
stop-start movement control orders over the last 16 months and a half.
The coronavirus has not only cost billions of ringgit in losses for the Malaysian economy
but also forced many to restructure their business or even close shop.”
‘Revitalising Key Sectors‘, The Star, August 2021
In commemoration of Star Media Group’s 50th anniversary, the StarBiz Summit is the grand finale of the group’s #digitalXdata 2021 events.
As the #digitalXdata MAIN EVENT of the year, the StarBiz Summit is the avenue for businesses and organisations to learn about the industry outlook & market forecasts of 2022 in various critical industry verticals, business areas & organisational functions.
The summit programme is exclusively engineered to spark conversations and discussions on how businesses
re-calibrate their transformation journey from merely adapting and surviving, to THRIVING and WINNING
in the age of the ‘never normal’.

Star Media Group‘s #digitalXdata 2021 kicked off with the Road to Malaysia 5.0 series that was dedicated to enabling digitally-fuelled Malaysia businesses to accelerate growth in the new Malaysia 5.0 digital economy and, to drive innovative change among the society in building a human-centred nation, powered by disruptive technologies.
An Insight on Industry Outlook and Market Forecasts
Read More on the Event Coverage Here
Rewatch the Sessions Here
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