October 25, 2021
8:00 pm
Like any other disease, stroke has its symptoms. The symptoms have been well constructed into an...
October 9, 2021
10:00 am
Did you know, one of the signs of liver cancer is when your skin or the...
September 24, 2021
8:00 pm
24 SEPTEMBER 2021 (Friday), 8.00pm Who is the culprit? Heart, Kidney or Pancreas? Heart disease, Kidney...
August 28, 2021
10:00 am
Is it just an infection? Severe, Persistent, Unusual and Recurrent. You should be suspicious if any...
July 31, 2021
10:00 am
Our modern diet is heavy in nutrient-poor processed foods, refined grains, and added sugars - all...
July 28, 2021
8:00 pm
There are many types of blood cancers that can happen at any age. Dr Haris Abdul...
July 17, 2021
10:00 am
Adult vaccinations are important – especially if you or your loved ones are over 65. Vaccine-preventable...
July 7, 2021
8:00 pm
What is Surgical Site Infections (SSI)? Can it be treated? What can I do to prevent...
June 9, 2021
8:00 pm
Currently, the world is facing a global health crisis unlike any other, as an offshoot Mental...
April 6, 2021
8:00 pm
Losing weight isn’t all about looking good. With 50% of the Malaysian population being overweight or...