Stroke: Every Second Counts

Like any other disease, stroke has its symptoms. The symptoms have been well constructed into an acronym F.A.S.T: Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and Time to call 999. F.A.S.T is commonly referred to for the detection of early signs and symptoms of stroke. Early detection can prevent brain damage and increase the rate of recovery. Knowing and being aware of these symptoms can save lives.

However, knowing the symptoms is not enough without an action that follows. It is also vital to emphasise on the importance of going to the right hospital upon identifying the early symptoms. With the collaboration between Malaysia Stroke Council, NASAM and Angels Initiative, they have worked together to develop MYStroke Hospital Web Locator which enables the public to locate their nearest stroke-ready hospitals.

Join for this free webinar today!

Associate Professor Dr. Shalini Bhaskar
Consultant Neurologist, Hospital UiTM Puncak Alam

Associate Professor Hoo Fan Kee
Consultant Neurologist, Hospital Pengajar Universiti Putra Malaysia

Guest Speaker:
Tracy Chan
Head of Rehabilitation, National Stroke Association Malaysia