Workshop / Seminar

October 11, 2017
9:30 am
The Malaysian capital market offers various platforms for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to raise funds...
September 16, 2017
1:00 pm
Join us at the forum, where our prominent speakers will identify the elements of a good...
September 5, 2017
9:00 am
Register Now! Be part of an exciting opportunity to learn from renowned business leaders on ways...
August 2, 2017
12:00 pm
The New Companies Act 2016 that came into force in stages from Jan 31 this year was intended...
July 27, 2017
3:00 pm
2017 is predicted to be another challengin­­­g year for SMEs. Clever management of operations, finance, talent,...
July 20, 2017
3:00 pm
2017 is predicted to be another challengin­­­g year for SMEs. Clever management of operations, finance, talent,...
July 18, 2017
3:00 pm
2017 is predicted to be another challengin­­­g year for SMEs. Clever management of operations, finance, talent,...
July 6, 2017
3:00 pm
2017 is predicted to be another challengin­­­g year for SMEs. Clever management of operations, finance, talent,...
March 26, 2017
10:00 am
In conjunction with International Women's Day, Star Media Group will be conducting a talk featuring Malaysian... Forum 2017
February 19, 2017
1:30 pm
The depreciation of the ringgit, tightening of lending standards by banks, the high rate of rejection...