Chief Executive Officer
Boardroom Corporate Services Sdn Bhd
Boardroom Share Registrars Sdn Bhd
Malaysian Issuing House Sdn Bhd
Samantha is a Fellow Member and Chartered Governance Professional of the Malaysian
Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA) and a member of the
Thought Leadership Committee, and several task force of MAICSA, focusing to driving
Corporate Governance initiatives.
She has over 30 years of extensive experience in corporate governance and corporate
secretarial work and provides advisory services including due diligence reviews for
corporate restructuring, IPO processes and rollouts, virtual meeting management,
governance related advisory including Board assessment to clients of PLCs, liquidation and
preparation of circulars for submission to Bursa Malaysia. Samantha is a strong advocate for
corporate governance and boasts a robust presence within the capital markets in Malaysia.
She is a much sought-after trainer for in-house trainings and speaker for seminars/webinars
organised by professional bodies/organisations and regulators.
Samantha has received the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award 2019 – Outstanding
Category for Professional & Business Service Industry and is a board member of the
Malaysian Investor Relations Association (MIRA) and Director of the Malaysian Alliance of
Corporate Directors (MACD).