CEO of Financial Planning Association of Malaysia
Linnet Lee, CFP CERT TM, IFP®, CEO of Financial Planning Association of Malaysia, a non-profit, non-government organisation with the vision to establish financial planning as a recognised profession through the promotion of excellence in financial planning for the benefit of all Malaysians.
She spearheaded the CMDF-funded www.SmartFinance.my, a financial education website with independent, reliable financial lessons and access to real Licensed Financial Planners for the public. SmartFinance was launched on 23.7.2018.
Media Engagement for Public Financial Education:
1. Talks for organisations: Tokio Marine, See Hoy Chan, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives, Axa Insurance, Securities Commission.
2. Publications: 4EJ, Money Compass, UT Today, Smart Investor, The Sun, Star, Focus Malaysia, Malaysian Reserve, Property Insight, Nanyang Siang Pau, Sin Chew Jit Poh, The Edge.
3. Talk shows: Astro Awani, Bernama, FB, TV3, TV1 and BFM89.9, Asia BizTech Previous Experiences: 1. Independent workshop facilitator & developer, registered with HRDF for sales, attitudinal & financial planning related topics. 2. Licensed Financial Planner, Financial Adviser Representative, tied-agent and estate planner. 3. Commercial organisations experience as employee in management, sales, operations and administration.
Qualifications: CFPCERT TM, FPAM IFP®, IBFIM-FPAM Certified practitioner in Neuro Semantics (NS) & Neuro-Linguistic Programming, ISNS PCEIA & CEILLI