Jason Hsu

Jason Hsu
Former Member of Parliament, Taiwan | Crypto Congressman & Vice President
Taiwan FinTech Association (TFTA)

From 2016~2020, Jason Hsu served as legislator at-large in Taiwan’s parliament overseeing technology developments, entrepreneurship and innovation. Among the crucial legislations he introduced and passed include FinTech Regulatory Sandbox Act, etc. Hsu was awarded scholarship to study Executive Program at Singularity University. Jason Hsu currently is Secretary General of Mt. Jade Technology and Science Association. He’s also Senior Advisor at the Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies (CSCIS) and Vice Chair of Taiwan FinTech Association (TFTA). Jason Hsu co-founded TEDxTaipei in 2009 and served as TEDx senior ambassador to Asia from 2011~2015. He’s recently been appointed as Senior Research Associate for Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) at Columbia University. He is a Draper Hills Fellow at Stanford University’s Center for Democracy Development and Rule of Law(CDDRL). He’s also selected as an IVLP digital economy fellow by U.S. State Department.

Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Taiwan FinTech Association (TFTA)
  • Company
    Taiwan FinTech Association (TFTA)
Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Taiwan FinTech Association (TFTA)
  • Company
    Taiwan FinTech Association (TFTA)
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