As a promise made by our newly elected government, the GST would be abolished. In fulfilling this promise, the newly formed government made its first move to this abolishment by revising the GST rate from 6% to 0% with effect from 1 June 2018. It is anticipated that the GST system will be fully replaced by the Sales and Service Tax (SST) system eventually via reintroduction of new legislations on SST. At this juncture, the details of SST are not available as the draft legislation of the SST has yet to be announced.
Amidst all the uncertainties on the reintroduction of SST, the only certainty that one can rely on is the eventual replacement of the GST tax system with a new tax system. As a business owner or a finance personnel, you may be looking at a cloud of uncertainties looming above with no clear guidelines on what needs to be done now and what would the eventual impact be when the GST is completely abolished and replaced with the new SST system.
Join us in this talk as we explore the obstacles that one may face in the coming months. The transitional treatments may not be clear, but it would not harm to first understand the worst that could happen. As William Shakespeare wrote in Henry V, “All things are ready, if our mind be so.”
This half day session is priced at RM350 and is HRDF claimable.
For enquiries and registration, please call 03 – 7967 1388 ext 1186/1657 or email to events@thestar.com.my