The full-day workshop will provide an overview of the key changes arising from the new Companies Act 2016 and suggested course of action for organisations to ensure compliance with the new Act.
This workshop will highlight important areas for consideration by companies and practical solutions and recommendations for companies.
The workshop is primarily intended for non-public listed companies, particularly SMEs. It is targeted at directors, key management, company secretaries, legal and accounting personnel within such companies who will need to understand the changes arising from the Act not only for the purposes of their companies, but also from the perspective of their customers, suppliers and other stakeholders who may be affected by the changes arising from the new Act.
Areas covered include :
- Introduction to Companies Act 2016
- New Share Capital & Maintenance Regime
- Liquidation vs Corporate Rescue Mechanism
- Impact and compliance measures for Company Secretaries and Management
- Conflict of Interest Framework
- Leveraging on opportunities arising from the new Act
- Updates on Regulations and forms from the Companies Commission of Malaysia