E-Invoicing Accelerator

E-invoicing: A Must-Know for Malaysian Businesses, Join our E-invoicing Accelerator workshop and stay ahead of the curve.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

Fundamentals : Understand the basics, workflow overview and scenarios requiring the issuance of e-invoices

Implementation : Learn about the different phases, exemptions and inter-company transactions for e-invoicing

Technical Aspects and Compliance : Explore API and SDK for integration purposes and discover the legal framework surrounding e-invoicing

Jeremy Tan
: Associate Director, YYC Tax Consultants Sdn Bhd

Praveen Nazree : Director, Pixel Pinnacle Technology Sdn Bhd

RM 1,300 per pax | Group Rate: RM 1,105 (3pax and above) | [HRDcorp Claimable]

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