FREE ONLINE SEMINAR | 29 April 2020 (Wednesday) | 3.00pm

Join us as we explore how the Covid-19 pandemic is impacting the tourism industry alongside with the mitigation measures that we can employ immediately.
The Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) is organising “Covid-19 Bread and Butter Series #2: Banking, Finance and Leasing for the Tourism Industry” online forum in collaboration with Star Media Group on 29 April 2020, 3.00 pm.
Tourism is currently one of the most affected sectors due to COVID-19 that’s happening around the world. The forum strives to discuss further on the approach that can be taken to rejuvenate the economic growth. This measure are to help the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to sustain their business operations
- Datuk Tan Kok Liang, President, MATTA
- Dr Hafezali Bin Iqbal Hussain, Associate Professor, Taylor’s University
- Ernest Kwong Kah Wah, Head, Group SME Banking, Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad (Representing The Association of Banks,Malaysia)
Mr. Nigel Wong, Hon. Secretary General, MATTA
Who should attend : Tourism industry players, especially for travel agencies and tour operators, business owners, advisors. To register, please click into https://bit.ly/mattaseries2