Secrets of making 1-min Promotional Video that Make a Big Impact to your Business
**课程以中文为主要教学媒介语 This course is conducted in Chinese
- 您是否希望您的视频更好看、更动听、更有创意、可分享、引人入胜且令人印象深刻?
Do you want your videos to be better looking, sounding, creative, shareable, engaging, and impressive to watch? - 您想充分利用智能手机、数码单反相机或无反光镜相机的拍摄效果吗?
Do you want to get the most out of shooting on your smartphone, DSLR, or mirrorless camera?
课程重点大纲 Master Key Outline
- 视频编辑的概念 Concept of Video Editing
- 快速编辑和字幕 Speedy Editing & Subtitle
- 视频过渡 Video Transition
- 音乐和音效 Music & Sound Effects
- 画外音 Voice Over
- 视频导出和分辨率 Video Export & Resolutions
- 绿屏色度键 Green Screen Chroma Key
你将学到什么 ?

What you’ll learn ?
1. A step-by-step process to shoot excellent looking and sounding videos!
2. Learn the promotional video making techniques that make people share, like, comment, and engage with your video content!
3. Gain the confidence needed to film social media content, client projects, or personal projects from the ground up!
4. Expand your creativity, production quality, cinematography, and passion as a video creator!
5. Understand key video principles that you can use in all of your future projects!
6. Hands-on exercises to improve your skill set and gain real life video creating experience!
7. Tell stories in your videos that you are proud whether you’re shooting on a camera or smartphone!
8. Gain a film school level understanding of how to shortlist, light, frame, shoot, and capture crystal clear audio!
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